
64 Cain Drive Brentwood Ny


34-64 Cain Dr, Brentwood, NY 11717. This space is no longer advertised for lease on LoopNet.com. Located on North Service Road of LIE at Exit 55.

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  • 44 Cain Drive - 44 Cain Drive, Brentwood, NY. This Industrial is for lease on LoopNet.com. Multi-Tenant Building.
  • The Registered Agent on file for this company is Elkin Architecture, P.C. And is located at 64 Cain Drive, Brentwood, NY 11717. The company's principal address is 64 Cain Dr, Brentwood, NY and its mailing address is 64 Cain Drive, Brentwood, NY 11717. The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is Peter Elkin from Brentwood NY.

Property Details

Property address2-64 Cain Dr, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Parcel ID36-1-43.5
School district472812
Property classOther Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities (449)
64 Cain Drive Brentwood Ny

64 Cain Drive Brentwood Ny Restaurants

Ownership Information

For property contacts like owners, building management, representatives from permits, tenants and registered voters, access the Contacts tab in the full report.

Sales & Property History for The Hauppauge Center for Light Industry - 2-64 Cain Drive

Sales information and other title documents for The Hauppauge Center for Light Industry - 2-64 Cain Drive. Coverage and historic records vary depending on the area the property is located in.

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Title Documents

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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for The Hauppauge Center for Light Industry - 2-64 Cain Drive

Access detailed property tax data for The Hauppauge Center for Light Industry - 2-64 Cain Dr. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Land value:$1,616,740
Building value:$2,718,061
Market value:$4,334,801

Assessment History for The Hauppauge Center for Light Industry - 2-64 Cain Drive

Here's the assessment & property tax history for The Hauppauge Center for Light Industry - 2-64 Cain Drive, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

64 Cain Drive Brentwood Ny School District

YearProperty classMarket valueAssessment valueTotal tax rateProperty tax
2019-2020Other Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$4,334,802$492,00030.49$150,011
2018-2019Other Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$4,334,802$492,00029.746$146,350
2017-2018Other Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$4,059,406$492,00029.77$146,468
2016-2017Other Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$3,874,016$492,00029.553$145,401
2015-2016Other Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$3,874,016$492,00027.829$136,919
2014-2015One Story Small Structure$524,242$69,20028.146$19,477

64 Cain Drive Brentwood Ny Zip


64 Cain Drive Brentwood Ny Post Office

AddressSquare feetPurchase datePurchase price
339 Oakwood Ave, Bayport9/25/2015$215,000
337 Oakwood Ave, Bayport10/8/1997$132,350
630 Motor Pkwy, Brentwood9/24/2013$254,400
644 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge
646 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge5/18/2016$845,000
648 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge5/31/2016$2,650,000
161 Le Grand St, Brentwood7/14/2017
177 Thomas St, Brentwood9/29/1995$100,000
660 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge
183 Thomas St, Brentwood4/14/2016$234,999
608 Motor Pkwy, Brentwood
170 Thomas St, Brentwood
656 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge
616 Motor Pkwy, Brentwood10/8/1997$149,000
620 Motor Pkwy, Brentwood9/5/2018
626 Motor Pkwy, Brentwood10/31/2017$300,000
53 Arthur St, Brentwood5/27/1999$112,000
55 Arthur St, Brentwood
57 Arthur St, Brentwood10/27/2015$291,500
503 Washington Ave, Brentwood2/29/2000$87,000