
9 Ocean Ave

  1. The description and property data below may’ve been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. This 324 square foot single family home has 1 bedrooms and 1.0 bathrooms. This home is located at 9 Ocean Ave, Nantucket, MA 02554.
  2. 9 South Ocean Ave Lower. 5.0000 (1 Reviews) Capacity. Search Availability. Request More Information. This beautiful three bedroom home is located Ocean front to the gorgeous beaches of Seaside Park. Features include comfortable living room, kitchen, three large bedrooms. Check out the phenomenal fenced-in.

9 Ocean Ave Amityville Ny

9 ocean ave boston

Ocean Avenue Skateboard Distribution was established Feb. 6, 1972 by legendary Florida skater Bruce Walker and partners Lewis Graves and Ted James. Ocean Avenue was started and originally known as Fox Surf Shop in Miami Beach, before the skateboard industry even existed. Clay-wheeled supersurfer skateboards (manufactured prior to the 60’s skateboard crash) were offered for sale to the public and the rapid rise of an entirely new skateboard industry followed shortly there after.

To this day Ocean Avenue continues to provide the friendliest and most knowledgeable customer service around. In the early 80’s, when skateboarding had slowed down considerably, Bruce traveled the nation spreading the word that skateboarding was not dead. He helped many shops stay open when times were bad and even helped new shops open. We still operate with the same hands-on passion with assisting shops in every way possible. We have already found the most cost effective ways to ship and the best product available so shop owners don’t have to waste their valuable time.

We also offer many brands that are not found at other distributors… brands like Girl, Chocolate, Toy Machine, Foundation, Blind, Almost, and many more.


Ocean Ave Song

If you are a retailer and would like to open an account with Ocean Avenue Distribution, simply fill out ourONLINE DEALER APPLICATION FORM. A salesperson will contact you shortly regarding your account.

Start ordering online today. To view Ocean Avenue’s Online catalog you must log in with a customer ID and a password. If you are an existing customer call your sales rep to get your login information.

9 Ocean AveOcean

View 22 photos, maps, and a detailed description of this 5 Beds, 4 Baths, Single Family House at 9 Ocean Avenue, null, East Hampton, New York, NY.

9 Ocean Ave Sea Girt Nj

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