
A Occasion Speech For A Pastor Anniversary


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If your Anniversary Party is coming soon …

And you have been given the great honor of saying a fewwords

… then we have just the help you need.

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  • Lots of free printable Anniversary Speeches that you cancustomize
  • And also help to structure you own speech to wow yourguests.

Anniversary Speech Structure

Just like every great story your speech needs a

  • beginning,
  • middle
  • and an end.

Your beginning will need to grab your guests attention.

This could in the way of a question ...

What is love?

What makes a Happy Marriage?

Where have the last … years gone?

Use quotes in your speech

Or it could be in the way of a quote

They say “Time flies when you are having fun” and that couldnot be truer for the past … years that I have spent as … husband (or wife)

“If I know what love is, it is because of you” Herman Hesse

You could paraphrase that quote to be more personal andstart with If I know what love is, it is because of ….., I have loved him withall my heart since the day I met him at…

Or you could tell a joke, just be mindful of your audience!

Or start by telling everyone how you met.

Your middle is the main part of your speech

And it needs to lead on from your introduction.

If you started with a question, look at answering it.

What is love? According to Websters dictionary Love is a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person and I know that I have been lucky to love …. for … years.


Then go on to explain why you love them –their kindness, silliness or whatever it is. Share a story about when you knewyou loved them or a time when they were amazing.


What makes a Happy Marriage? If you everneed an answer to that question just take a look at Mom and Dad. The littlelooks they give each other, the way they support each other through everythingthat life throws at them and how much they enjoy each other’s company. And thengo on to share a story about them both.


You can end with a quote…

And to quote Robert Browning “Grow old with me, the best isyet to be”

“Real love stories never have endings” and I look forward tobeing in love with you for eternity.

Or end with a thank you…

I would like to end with a thank you to Mom and Dad forbeing such a great example and for the love and help they have given all of us.

Don’t forget to end with a toast!

I would like to thank … for putting up with me and mysnoring for the past … years. You are my love, my rock and I am your number 1fan.

Perfect Your Anniversary Speech

To give the best anniversary speech you will need to

  1. Plan
  2. Practise – lots!
  3. Perfect until you have nailed it.

Timing with all speeches is so important and one way to makesure you have yours spot on is to either record yourself, time yourself andvideo yourself. The camera on your mobile will be fine for this.

You can then play it back and either add extra bits to yourspeech or take things out.

Also, see if you can say your speech to a few people so youcan check if your jokes work and also get feedback from them.

Free Printable Anniversary Speeches

Below you will find speech samples which you can use for your Anniversary.

In each sample there are gaps for you to add your own names and also spaces for you to tell your own stories and customize them for you.

Anniversary Speech For Your Wife

Thank you to all of you for being with us today to celebrateour 25th wedding anniversary, it means so much to both of us thatyou have been part of our lives and we love each and every one of you.

And for me, I need to say an even bigger thank you, to onevery important lady… my wife….

For the past 25 years you have been my rock, my inspiration,you have lifted me through the bad times and cheered me on to great ones.

You are my one true love

And I am very lucky.

I won the lottery the day I met you and knew from the momentI saw you at … that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

But how do you get a great woman like ….. to take notice ofa kind of geeky/scruffy/sporty guy.

I would love to say it was through my charm, my looks andgreat wit.

But the truth is it was more my friend ….

*Tell story of how you met

Thank you …. For introducing us and vouching for me! We allneed friends like that in our lives.

-Toast to friend who introduced you

From then till now we have been blessed with 5 greatchildren, 6 hamsters and have lived surrounded by family and friends.

Through that time my love for …….. has grown.

I am in awe of her ability to make a home where ever welive.

Her incredible tapestry, painting, writing or swing at golf.(Choose your wife’s hobby)

A Occasion Speech For A Pastor Anniversary Celebration

And her love of …….

She is an incredible woman and I would like to raise a toastto ……. Thank you.

Anniversary Speech For Your Husband

A massive thank you to everyone for coming tonight tocelebrate our 40th Anniversary, thank you for being part of ourlives, you make ours richer by being you and we hope in some way we add toyours.

But wow, 40 years that’s quite a time and it has gone in aflash.

And all of this would not have been possible if 40 years agoI hadn’t married …… and if he hadn’t been such an easy man to love.

Although neither of us are perfect, we have our own strangelittle ways which I won’t be sharing with you tonight!

A Occasion Speech For A Pastor Anniversary

He is without doubt my perfect husband.

He is perfect for me, which reminds me of a quote I heardyears ago…

A Perfect Marriage Is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on Each Other

Thank you ….. for beingyou

For laughing with me andat me. From the time when …. (add a fun story of the two of you)


A Occasion Speech For A Pastor Anniversary Greetings

For being a great dad to ….And ……

Occasions For Pastor Anniversary Speech

(add a sweet story showinghim as a great dad)

And for being a perfect husband for me.

Looking forward to ournext adventures.

I would like to raise atoast to ….. Happy Anniversary my love.

Anniversary Speech For Parents

Good evening everyone, Iam ……. and honored to be with you all this evening and proud to be theson/daughter of …….. and ……….

This evening we celebratetheir Golden Anniversary, 50 years of being Mr and Mrs

And wow what an amazing 50years it has been.

Pastor Anniversary Welcome Occasion Speeches

They met … (tell the story– maybe quote their friends who were there at the time)

And luckily for me theyfell in love and were married on …..

They have supported eachother through …. (tell story of them helping each other)

And have enjoyed (sharestories of hobbies, vacations and fun times they have both enjoyed)

I am lucky to have suchgreat parents, they have shown me over the years what love is and have beenselfless in their love for me and my brothers and sisters.

List why they are a greatcouple

They are a great exampleof what a strong and Happy Marriage is.

Thank you and raise atoast to your parents.

Anniversary Speech For Friends

Good evening everyone, Iam …………. I have known ……….. and …………… for . years and feel that gives me aninsight in to how they have such a Happy marriage.

For those of you that don’tknow …….. and …………. met on (date) at (place) where ……… was looking as beautifulas she does this evening and …….. was looking his usual charming self.

Quote from husband about whenthey first met

Quote from wife about whenthey first met

As you can see they wereboth thinking the same thing from that first moment. (this can be said more asa joke if the quotes don’t say the same thing)

They are the perfectmatch.

They both love ……

And enjoy spending timetogether and with their family.

Their children are herethis evening and I know that they couldn’t be prouder of the people you have grownin to.

And I am proud to havethem as friends.

They have shown me overthe years what a great marriage is and tonight I would like us all to raise atoast to …. And wish them a very Happy Anniversary.

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