Occasional poetry is poetry composed for a particular occasion. In the history of literature, it is often studied in connection with orality, performance, and patronage. As a term of literary criticism, 'occasional poetry' describes the work's purpose and the poet's relation to subject matter. Lyric poetry includes subcategories like ode, sonnet, occasional poetry, dramatic monologue, and elegy. Ode An ode is a long serious poem, mostly about nature, object of attraction, or aimed at adoring someone or something. Occasional Poems - Examples of all types of poems about occasional to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for occasional. These poems express loving, healing and touching feelings that we all can relate to. We now have over 8,000 published poems. We feature poems about all life's experiences and for all occasions. The list of most popular poems is curated using a variety of metrics to showcase our best poems. We consider ratings, shares, and comments.
A translation of the French vers d'occasion (literally,verse of the moment or occasion) – a poem written tocommemorate a specific occasion, such as Yeats' “Easter 1916” or,possibly, Donne's “Nocturnal upon St Lucy's Day”.

Citation: Editors, Litencyc. 'Occasional Poem'. The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 February 2010 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=785, accessed 02 February 2021.]
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A. Definition and ancient models
O. represents an important, perhaps the greater part of the production of Humanist neo-Latin poetry [15.54]. This article focuses mainly on neo-Latin poetry, with brief discussion of 16th and 17th-cent. vernacular O. in the concluding remarks.
The Words To The Dash

Poems Written In The 1700s
The defining features of O. according to the current view in literary science are a poem's connection with (1) an occasion and (2) an addressee. A public or private event offered an occasion for a poet to write a poem to an addressee, publicly to celebrate the e…